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Go to nyc.gov/accesshra to get started Plan Portal. Managing your HRA plan benefits is easier than ever. Your HRA Plan Portal lets you access your HRA claims information securely, easily, and online. That means important benefit information is available at the click of a mouse! Health.
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Plan Portal. Managing your HRA plan benefits is easier than ever. Your HRA Plan Portal lets you access your HRA claims information securely, easily, and online. That means important benefit information is available at the click of a mouse!
View You can use ACCESS HRA, fax, mail, or a drop box at open centers to submit your recertification.
Learn how to properly complete all the fields in the first section of online application. ACCESS HRA mobile - your benefits on-the-go! View Case Details and EBT Balances. The Cases section of the app lets you view the current status of your SNAP or Cash Assistance case, the EBT balance for each of your benefits, and any upcoming Recertification dates.
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It should be read in conjunction with the HRA/MHRA joint advice on Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs).
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Your HRA is owned and funded by your employer. You can’t put money into the account. Each year, your employer will determine the amount available in your HRA. See your company’s benefit plan documents for more information. What can I pay for with my HRA? You can use the money in your HRA to pay . for care for you and your covered dependents.
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7 okt. 2020 — App till "Access HRA" (NYC).
ACCESS HRA mobile - your benefits on-the-go!